A spoiler free review of Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare has been posted on TMI Source.
"One of the things that Clare is best at is making not only her characters feel but her readers feel, as well. And there is a lot of feeling going on in Clockwork Prince."
"Every time you read a Cassandra Clare book you know you are going to get compelling characters. In Clockwork Angel she created these complex characters that were shrouded in mystery and in Clockwork Prince you learn more about them and why they are the way they are, especially Will."
"It wasn’t just the characters alone that was compelling, it was their relationships with others in the story."
(Written by Alyssa Barbieri.)
If you would like to read more of this review, you can view it here. After I read this review, I wanted to book in my hand right that instant. I'm dying to read the second book of the Infernal Devices series, and this review just made me want it that much more. I'm so excited to learn more about these characters and see the story develop even further.
