Follow Friday & Friday Five (3.30.2012)

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends.

This weeks question is:

Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?

I'm more of a one book at a time kind of gal. I mean, I can read more than one at a time, but I feel like I forget things about the story or get lost and confused more easily in doing so. I like to really focus a story so a lot of times when reading a series I like to read them back to back. Although, right now I've got so many books I need to get read, I've been reading other books in between those of a series and reading books at the same time: like right now, I'm reading The Maze Runner and Catching Fire, but because I've already read Catching Fire, I'm focusing more on The Maze Runner. I keep telling myself I need to read more than one at a time since I've got so many good books on my shelf right now that I don't know which one to read first. haha


Name Five Foods You Like To Eat While Reading

1. Chips/Doritos
2. Popcorn
(I usually don't eat while reading unless I'm hungry, but I do keep drinks on hand so I'll add them as well.)
3. Coffee, if it's morning
4. Soda or sweet tea, if it's any other time of the day
5. Ice, I like munching on it while I read

What are your FFs and Friday Fives??


  1. Hi Kelly. I do read more than one book at a time. Sometimes it's because I'm just not as drawn into a book as I'd like to be and other times it's because I can't decide which book to read first. The latter is the case right now.

    New follower. My #FF

  2. I read more than one book at a time but I never read similar books. Two dystopians at the same time would be hard.

    Check out my follow friday

  3. I'm the exact same way, can't enjoy a book unless its the only one I'm reading. I jumble details together if I try to juggle more than 1 book. Then it just becomes frustrating trying to remember which story is which.

    My FF
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  4. Old follower now also following through linky, I'm also a 1 book reader otherwise I get confused, my FF

  5. I'm a one book at a time kind of girl, any more than that and I think I would get confused.
    New follower! My FF
    Happy reading

  6. I agree, one book at a time for me as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now your newest Linky follower :)

  7. I read one book at a time as well, I'm a new follower I follow via GFC and linky thanks

  8. Lol I find it hard to read books so many at a time. I get confused!

    New follower!
    Aai Marsh @ Books With Marshmallows

  9. Hi there :) just hopping through. I’m a new follower…

    I’m a multi-book reader myself and note taking helps to keep things in order:)

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

    1. I'll have to keep the note taking in mind! Thanks for the advice. :)


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Happy Reading
