Beat the Heat Readathon: Day 2 Progress

Today is the second day in the Beat the Head Readathon. It runs until August 11th, but if you want to participate in the mini-challenges and giveaways you MUST sign up by August 5th. You can sign up here.

Today's Progress:

Currently Reading: City of Bones and The Lightning Thief
Pages read: City of Bones-25; The Lightning Thief-135
Chapters read:City of Bones-1; The Lightning Thief-9
Books completed: None

I'm over halfway through with The Lightning Thief! Woot! Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow just in time for the Lux Readathon. :)

Happy Reading!


  1. Hey, is that progress or what? You're doing great!! :D

    1. Thanks! Now I just have to finish it and write the review tonight so I can start on Onyx tomorrow and hopefully finish it in three days. Soooo much reading! haha


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All comments are appreciated. I read and love every single one! Also, this is an Award-Free Zone! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! :)

NOTE: Because of all the spam I've been getting lately, I've had to change some settings on my comments. Anonymous Users can no longer post comments. So sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy Reading
