Top Ten & Teaser Tuesday: Top Ten Books On My Fall 2013 TBR List + TFiOS

I decided to split this list into Fives.

I have come to the realization that most all of the book series that I read have their books released at the end of year. Around the time I have to start buying things for the holidays. This is just so unfair. How in the world am I going to buy seven brand new books with a baby on the way, as well as my son's 5th birthday and Christmas coming up??? O.O

For my teaser today I decided to share a quote from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green simply because it has so many amazing quotes in it. I know that most of you have probably read it by now, but for those who haven't...

"How about I call you when I finish this?"
"But you don't even have my phone number," he said.
"I strongly suspect you write it in the book."
He broke out into a goofy smile. "And you say we don't know each other."

Out of all of the amazing quotes I could have used for my teaser, I chose a simple one. It's endearing and adorable and such a sweet moment between Hazel and Augustus. It's one of my favorite moments between them so far (and believe me there are several moments that I love). It tells us so much in just those few sentences. 

Link me up to your Top Tens and Teasers please!

Happy Reading :)


  1. I have Sentinel, Iron Traitor and The Firey Heart on my list too. I think I'm most excited for Sentinel. I'm sad the series is coming to an end, but I bet it will be EPIC.

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  2. Great list! The Iron Traitor was SO good, even if the ending about killed me. Gah! I can't wait to get Alligiant! So many exciting books this Fall. :)

    Happy Reading!

  3. Those Marni Bates books look cute. I have Awkward, but still need to read it!! I didn't realize it was a series... but that's cool bc I've heard good things about them :)

    My TTT

  4. NOTABLE!!! Ahhh! I just finished it and it blew my mind. I hadn't read anything by Marni before, but I literally went out and bought the two companion novels in her series. I am obsessed with her writing. I hope you love this one!

    1. I haven't read anything by her either! I didn't even realize it was in a series until after I got it through NetGalley and added it on my goodreads list. I'm super excited to read it though! I've heard so many great things about her writing. Glad to know you enjoyed it!

  5. I hope you love The Raven Boys! Perfect Ruin sounds so interesting! I'm looking forward to Allegiant, too!

    Katy @ a blighted one


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Happy Reading
