Vampire Academy Read-Along: Chapter 9

Get ready! This chapter is a little on the long side. I'll try not to make this post too long! haha

Chapter 9

Rose is once again in Lissa's mind. Purposefully so. Lissa is sneaking into the chapel attic to find Christian sitting in the window seat. He tells her they suspended him for a week.

"You set someone on fire!"
"No, I didn't. Did you see any burns on him?"
"He was covered in flames."
"I had them under control. I kept them off of him."
"You shouldn't have done that."
"I did it for you."
"You attacked someone for me?"

Lissa doesn't like that he used magic as a weapon--it's forbidden. Christian thinks the rules are stupid and they should use their magic against the Strigoi, but Lissa disagrees. "Magic is a gift. It's peaceful." Christian says she only believes that because that's what they've been told their whole lives and that the Moroi used to fight along-side the guardians. The conversation shifts to Lissa using compulsion to get what she wanted while they were away. Rose gets the suspicion that Lissa is flirting with Christian and that he notices every detail about her. Lissa doesn't say anything about it at first. It was the truth after all, but then she asks if he's going to turn her in. "No. I think it's hot." To turn the conversation around, Lissa admits that Rose thinks he's dangerous and was the one to kill the fox. He tells her he didn't do it, but if he ever finds out who did, what he did to Ralf will seem small. After Christian touches Lissa's wrists, noticing the faint scars on them, Rose slips out of Lissa's head and the intimate moment. 

Rose sits brooding until it was time to meet Jesse. She slips downstairs and finds him quickly, whispering as she passes him by: "There's a lounge on the fourth floor that nobody uses. Take the stairs on the other side of the bathrooms and meet me there in five minutes. The lock on the door is broken."

When he walks into the room, they flirt a little. Knowing that Jesse loved gossip, she lets it slip that Mia's parents work for the Drozdovs so he would spread the word around campus. She then puts one of her legs over his lap and he kisses her, pulling her shirt of. She lets him know that she's not having sex with him, and they continue their make out session until Jesse tries to bite her. "Don't."

"You want to. I can tell."
"No, I don't."
"You do. How--hey, have you done it before?"
"No. Of course not."

Jesse doesn't believe her though. He goes on about how she would've had to to keep Lissa alive. He keeps kissing her neck, trying to get a bite in. "I'm not a blood whore."

She tries to stop him by suggesting something else he could do with his mouth. And that's when the door opens. Dimitri opens it like he expected to find her there. It was at this point that Rose realizes why Mason calls him a god. Dimitri jerks Jesse up off the ground in the blink of an eye and begins interrogating him. He tells him to leave. "If I ever see you like this again, I will be the one to punish you. And it will hurt. A lot. Do you understand?"

Jesse agrees and runs out. Dimitri then turns to Rose with a surprised look on his face, as if he's never seen her before. Rose thinks it looked a little like he's checking her out, but it's Dimitri. In that moment, a feeling for him rose up in her that she knew she shouldn't have. She attempts to flirt with him but he tells her to get dressed. She wants to know how he found her and he tells her that janitor saw her. He asks if she had any idea how stupid this kind of situation is and that she's making not only herself look bad, but him and Lissa as well. This infuriates Rose and she asks him if he's afraid she'll ruin his reputation. He responds by saying his reputation is already made and that she needs to get back to her room. That is, if she can manage to make it there without throwing herself at someone else.

"Is that your subtle way of calling me a slut?"
"I hear the stories you guys tell. I've heard stories about you."

Dimitri then tells her the story of him and Ivan Zeklos, and Rose asks him if Jesse bothers him. "You hurt. Every day. Don't you? You miss him [Ivan]?"

Rose realizes then that she may have been wrong about Dimitri all this time. He tells her that he'll teach her how to fight. To really fight. The way she wants to. If she's willing to work hard. She agrees to it. "We'll start tomorrow."

We're finally getting a glimpse into who Dimitri is! Yay! And also Lissa and Christian's blooming friendship, which looks like it has the potential for more ;) And now Dimitri is finally going to start really training Rose. To teach her how to fight as he does. And we can't forget that Rose planted that little bit of information about Mia in Jesse's head so it's bound to be all over the school soon. Things are beginning to heat up! I see a confrontation coming soon.

What do you think about everything that happened in chapter 9? Any predictions? 


  1. I haven't read any of the books in this series but I am thinking that I am going to have to before the movie comes out. I am wondering if the books have the same comedy vibe that the movie seems to be pushing? Anyway, hope you enjoy this one!

    1. There is some comedy in the books! I'm just hoping they don't take it too far in the movies because it's got a lot of seriousness to it as well. And I hope you get to read it soon! The whole series is really good! Absolutely one of my favorites :D

  2. When I saw you were on Chapter 9 I skipped the post because this is a series I've had on my TBR for forever! At least 2 years, seriously! I hope you're enjoying it though :)


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