2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge Progress Report: January

So we've come to the end of January and it's time for my first TBR Pile Progress post! WOOT

I haven't read a whole lot this month, but I have several planned for February so hopefully that will make up for it. And two of the books I've read/am reading is going to be going in February's progress post since the review is going up in February. Anyways, here's my progress!

What I had planned to read

What I actually read

You can find my reviews by clicking on the links below:

As you can see I only read two of the books I said I was going to. I do plan on reading the others in the near future, but I have several other books planned for February at the moment.

To Read in February

This month I'm going to be reading books all about a four-letter word... yep, you guessed it.. LOVE. Or at least has something to do with it in some way or has Valentine's Day-type words such as "mine" or "heart", etc.

I'm strongly hoping I can fit all those in!! I think I'll be able to since the two of these I'm actually in the process of reading right now so that my review post can be up on the 1st of February. That's really the only reason I'm including them in this. And one of these is a story story so it shouldn't be too difficult. I hope!

I'm also hoping to include the TBR Pile Read-Along book as well, whichever that one may be. At the moment it's looking like The Raven Boys which I actually have but still haven't read so that's pretty exciting! :D

So that's it for the month of January!! How did you do on your challenge this month?? So far I've read only three books from my TBR pile. What about you?


  1. I'm not doing this challenge because I think I'd really suck at it haha! But I love your choices for February! The only one I've read is The Fiery Heart (which you should read soon because it's amazing) but I'm really excited to see what you think of all the others! I've been curious about This Is What Happy looks like for a long time so I can't what to see what you think of it. :D

    1. I'm both excited and nervous about The Fiery Heart! I was rather disappointed with The Indigo Spell so I'm strongly hoping that this one excites me as much as the others did. As for This is What Happy Looks Like I'm super excited to read it!! I loved The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and I can't wait to see how this one turns out. So far I've been loving all of my choices for this month so I'm hoping the pattern continues!! :D


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NOTE: Because of all the spam I've been getting lately, I've had to change some settings on my comments. Anonymous Users can no longer post comments. So sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy Reading
