Beat the Head Readathon: Day 1 Progress

Today the Beat the Heat Readathon kicked off! It runs until August 11th, but if you want to participate in the mini-challenges and giveaways you MUST sign up by August 5th. You can sign up here.

A few days ago I made this post about which books I will be reading during this readathon and I've decided to add one more to it: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I am currently in the middle of reading City of Bones for the CITY OF BONES Read-Along so I'm going to count that book as part of this Readathon.

Today's Progress:

Currently Reading: City of Bones and The Lightning Thief
Pages read: City of Bones-57; The Lightning Thief-46
Chapters read:City of Bones-2; The Lightning Thief-3
Books completed: None

Not a WHOLE lot of reading done but summarizing those City of Bones chapters sure take a lot of time!

Happy Reading!


  1. Hey there! Don't worry, progress is progress and summaries always do take forever :) I bet most summaries rob you more time than the original stories they're based on did! Happy reading!

    1. They don't usually take too long, but I had to do a two chapter summary, and one of those chapters was almost 40 pages long so it took me forever! I'm surprised I got as much reading done as I did haha

  2. Thanks! I'm hoping today I get a little more read. My goal to have The Lightning Thief completely finished by Thursday so I won't have to worry about reading three books during the Lux Readathon. :)


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NOTE: Because of all the spam I've been getting lately, I've had to change some settings on my comments. Anonymous Users can no longer post comments. So sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy Reading
