
Literati Challenge - Day two

Day number eighteen


Literati Challenge - Day one

Day number seventeen

Once again I'm behind on pretty much everything!

Five: Boy Meets World

Four: Greek

Mortal Instrument Production Info

Three: Glee

Two: Gilmore Girls

Day number sixteen

One: How I Met Your Mother

Love Scene from Clockwork Prince. SPOILERS

Oy With The Poodles Already!


Day number fifteen

DSCS of City of Lost Souls is now posted!!

Day number fourteen

And the winner is...

Hunger Games Parody "I Wanna Go"

Favorite Fictional Crushes

What Kind of Tournament Would You Like the YA Sisterhood to Do Next?

Day number thirteen

Voting for the Final Round of the YA Crush is open!

The Manor Scene in CoG from Jace's Point of View has been released!

Jace vs. Ash: Who won?? Why, Jace, of course!

"Touch her, and I'll freeze your testicles off and put them in a jar. Understand?" -Ash

Day number twelve

Day number eleven